
Both of us are architects, but none of us is experienced enough in designing cards --- although, I'm one of those human on earth who takes cards-giving-moments seriously. I, myself, fond of typography, although not confidence enough to call myself a pro. I'm an observer and a follower of some blogs who often post and do some workshops in typography and/or graphic designing.

Now that we're in a stage of collecting ideas to do our invitation, we can use our own expertise (a little bit) in designing stuff like this --- though it's two different kinds of design, both in method and approach. I was thinking to match ulos pattern and batik pattern in the invitation. But, let's see how it goes.. I'm still developing on how to match both patterns in one canvas. Personally, it's a good approach to create new pattern and will give a nice little touch to the invitation.

Here are some ideas we like, including the modern fonts for inspiration. We're thinking not to put curved fonts that are oftenly used in wedding invitations, and prefer to use the simpler-fonts instead.


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